With iOS 16, SwiftUI has a new dedicated PasteButton that lets user paste any kind of objects.

It let us receive any object that conforms to the Transferable protocol. Some examples are: String, URL, Data and Image.


To let the user paste an image, you can set the payloadType to Data.self and then convert the Data to a UIImage and then use this image to create an Image.

PasteButton(payloadType: Data.self) { data in

guard let imageData = data.first else { return }

self.image = Image(uiImage: UIImage(data: imageData) ?? UIImage())


Or, with a more straightforward implementation.

PasteButton(payloadType: Image.self) { images in

guard let image = images.first else { return }

self.image = image


If you need a more fine grained filter for the objects that the user is allowed to paste, you can use the init(supportedContentTypes:).

In this example we allow the user to paste only xml files.

PasteButton(supportedContentTypes: [.xml]) { providers in

for provider in providers {

let progress = provider.loadFileRepresentation(for: .xml) { url, openInPlace, error in

if let url {

try? String(contentsOf: url)






The input into the closure is an array of objects or providers not a single one.


The button dims itself if no object that matches the declared type is present in the user’s clipboard.

What are you thoughts about this? Tweet me @franceleonidev and share your opinion.

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