If you’re looking to dive into some whimsical puzzle-solving action on your phone, then just wait for a few more hours. Indie game developers Ogre Pixel and Esteban Duran are dropping their charming puzzle-adventure game Lonesome Village mobile tomorrow.

What’s The Deal With Lonesome Village Mobile?

The Lonesome Village is a place that’s peaceful and serene, except it’s kind of in a pickle trying to piece itself together after some weird disaster KO’d all their buildings. Now, you slip into the shoes (or paws?) of Wes, a coyote with a bunch of question marks in his past.

As Wes, your job is to lend a paw and help these folks bounce back and ace some head-scratching puzzles. And while you’re at it, unfold the secrets of what exactly went down. Stroll through the town, snoop around the outskirts, and run into puzzles that’ll make you scratch your noggin.

Lonesome Village mobile is like a retreat, lonesome but happy and peaceful. The game wants you to play smart with what you’ve got on hand, shuffle stuff around and use your collected goodies to level up. Cracking the puzzles also moves the story forward and stitches you into the fabric of the village. Why don’t you take a look at the game for yourself?

Will You Try It Out?

Lonesome Village mobile is all about wandering, puzzle solving and chumming it up with your village neighbours. There’s zero fighting, of course. By the way, Esteban Duran has a nice lineup of other cute puzzle adventures like A Tiny Sticker Tale and A Pretty Odd Bunny on the Play Store.

Lonesome Village first dropped on Steam for PC players in November 2022. It’s now up for grabs on the Google Play Store at $5.99. So, will you be playing this cute adventure puzzle?

Before heading out, check out our other news. Supercell Brings All Its Iconic Characters To Squad Busters, Now Soft Launched On Android.

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