5. Github workflows

Everything is available to create Github workflow.

5.1 Trigger Event

We want to trigger the workflow whenever code is pushed to the main branch.

5.2 Permission to workflow

We want to give permission to workflow in order to create Release over Github

It enables the workflow to create the release over Github which will come later in the workflow.

5.3 Setup code and gradle wrapper.

We want to checkout code and enable gradle wrapper as below.

5.4 Decode Keystore

As mentioned earlier to build and sign the release build, we have to decode the Keystore which was encoded base64 and store it to the location specified inside release signing configuration inside gradle.

5.5 Build and Sign Release Bundle

Build and sign the release build with the signing configurations.

workflow is first setting environment variables which will be read inside app build.gradle signing configurations as mentioned in Step 4 above.

./gradlew bundleRelease is building only release bundle , if you want to build apk as well you can use command ./gradlew assembleRelease .

5.6 Retrieve Version Name.

In the next steps we want to create a release over Github , in order to do that we need the version name specified in build.gradle to create a tag and release name.

version_name is an ext property inside build.gradle which can be used to set a variable inside gradle using task as below.

tasks.register("appVersionName") {
println rootProject.ext.version_name

In the workflow step below we are retrieving the Version Name from gradle variable appVersionName and setting and environment variable version_name so it can be used throughout workflow using statement ${{ env.version_name }}

5.7 Create Release over Github.

In the last step we want to create a release over Github. The following step in the workflow will achieve that.

Using softprops Github Action to achieve that. ${{env.version_name}} is the environment variable used to get the versionName configured in the previous step.

For the bundle file path please specify YourAppName and YourAppNameWithVariant , you can check when you create a normal build from Android Studio.

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